2013-07-13 - Moonbounce Loop

^z 12th February 2023 at 8:51pm

~14 miles @ ~11 min/mi

A moonbounce castle graces the front lawn of a mini-mansion on hilly Leland St, on a hyper-humid Saturday morning trek that makes for a sweat-soaked shirt, slick shorts, soggy socks, and stinky shoes. On Rock Creek Trail young Suzanne helps me hobble halfway up Stonybrook St — I introduce myself, give chase until her turnaround at the Mormon Temple gates, then continue on. She tells me that she runs by time on weekends, by distance on weekdays.

Five big deer cross Old Spring Rd and swivel their heads in parallel to track my passage. Über-slippery mud in the tunnel under Connecticut Av is a reminder of yesterday's floods. Pause at Candy Cane City to greet friends who gather there for their 7:30am group jog: Ken Swab sports an eye-catching new INKnBURN "Running Gear" mecha-print shirt but refuses my offer to fight him for it

Runkeeper is a little more conservative than the Garmin today.

^z - 2013-07-29